
Showing posts from September, 2011

Why WOMEN Have Unrealistic Expectations from Men


From Lovers To Just Friends

Is it really possible for a man and woman that used to be lovers just become friends? Once that line of intimacy is crossed and there are mutual feelings, even if the feelings aren't exactly the same can it work? There are times where two people start as friends, have sex and continue to be friends. That to me seems to be an easier situation. There probably wasn't that relationship type love. It was just sex. But for those people that crossed the line with sex and more can they go to being friends as if nothing ever happened? This is a topic I am really curious on getting opinions on. I my self have never been friends with someone that I had a relationship with that went beyond sex. I usually cut people completely off never to talk to them again. Or most of the time the relationship ended in anger so there was no need to talk or speak to that person ever again. But if the relationship didn't really end but both parties just decided to be friends, will it work. What if they

Online Delusions...

How can a woman think that a man that she never seen before and met online is her man. Is the words of that man that strong? What is it in the lies he spreads that makes the woman easy to spread. Are the women that hard up for attention. Is there a desperate need of affection. Is that man so hard up for attention that he wrecks the woman's emotions. Why do some women think it is ok to fall in love with a man they never seen or met? I think it is a desperate need for attention. I think both parties lack something in there life. Sweet words of nothing typed into the woman's vision making her crazy in love with a man from afar. Sweet reckless words of nothing give a man power over his victim to do what he pleases to he mind and heart knowing that the words are shallow and empty. I laid next to a man for years as he typed sweet nothings into a woman's eyes and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. Never meeting this woman but leading her to believe that he was. Sending this wo