Online Delusions...

How can a woman think that a man that she never seen before and met online is her man. Is the words of that man that strong? What is it in the lies he spreads that makes the woman easy to spread. Are the women that hard up for attention. Is there a desperate need of affection. Is that man so hard up for attention that he wrecks the woman's emotions. Why do some women think it is ok to fall in love with a man they never seen or met? I think it is a desperate need for attention. I think both parties lack something in there life. Sweet words of nothing typed into the woman's vision making her crazy in love with a man from afar. Sweet reckless words of nothing give a man power over his victim to do what he pleases to he mind and heart knowing that the words are shallow and empty. I laid next to a man for years as he typed sweet nothings into a woman's eyes and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. Never meeting this woman but leading her to believe that he was. Sending this woman across the country where he didn't reside. He resided with me. The woman found out the hard way. Loving a man she never seen, lusting after a man she never met and even when I split from this online seducer, she still never met him because he was on to his next victim. Now I see it happening again to women. The same lure, the same bait but a different man. I feel sorry for them and the person creating the web of lies. Is it okey to play with someones heart. You type you lustful words and make a joke of it when the women falls and becomes the victim. As soon as the man bores, then he is on to the next but little did the woman know that she was one victim among many. SMH It is a sad cycle. I just dont understand why a man would do it and why women fall for the lies so easy. Nothing good comes to the person that lies and deceives. No Good. Really get it together. Life is too short. Internet is the second root to all evil. Money branched off and created internet and it have ruined and destroyed relationships and family and has even caused murder! When will people realize that these social site are not a game to play, they truly are peoples lives. Just because one person think that it is all jokes and fun, the other person lives and breathes it and gets hurt. SMH It makes me want to remove myself from it. I keep thinking if I didnt have so many business connection, but they know my number and e-mail. It is a definite thought. Death to online delusions. Pay back is a BITCH...


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