
Showing posts from January, 2012

Karma I Know Her All Too Well...

Since the New Year has come around I have had great revelations. I was trying to figure out why in the world I, yes me was having so much relationship problems recently. Then it hit me... KARMA!!! I have not been a good girl over the last couple of years. I say from 2007 to 2011 I have done some unquestionable things. Should I tell my secrets?? Naw!!! lol I might just elaborate on them. Let's just say I dealt with people that I had no business being with and I know I hurt other people in the process but I didn't care. Most of the time I practice what I preach but I swear I so zoned out. I was a little wild and I am glad I caught myself and tied myself down. Then I am wondering why I have had problems. I'm just going to offer this little advice. Think about what you do before you do it. I mean really do. Plus don't do anything to anyone else that you don't want done to you. Ok let's just say I have interfered in a relationship and didn't care. (smacking my ha