
Showing posts from January, 2018


What is a bedroom relationship do you ask? Well let me explain it to you... A bedroom relationship is exactly what it says. A relationship base in the bedroom only.  Ever met a guy and you really like him but the only thing you can get him to do is come over your house and that's it. He not available to you to go out on a "date". He's only available to come over, eat your food, watch your TV and fuck. That's a bedroom relationship. It has no substance and it doesn't go further then your house.  There are a lot of people that swear  they have a great relationship because they spend a lot of time together. Awww that's sweet. Then I'll ask, "So what do y'all do, where do y'all go?" Crickets! lol They don't go anywhere, they don't do anything, they don't travel outside of their city. The most traveling they do together is run to the store to buy food to eat in from of the TV. lol  If every time you see som