
Showing posts from September, 2012

Who Is Really Is Completely Single

This is a question that I always ask. "Who Really Is Single?" So here is how I got to that question again.... Yesterday I had a instant message conversation with that guy on Facebook. He had just sent me a friend request. About 20 mins after I accepted the request he instant messaged me. It caught me off guard because it was very fast. So we was having a conversation and he asked me was I single. The Big Question! So my response back to him was, "Who really is single nowadays." So there for that gave him neither a Yes or No answer. I told him, "I'm not married". So he responded, "Ok." So all last night I was up thinking about it. I was asking myself if I was completely single. That answer is No. Honestly I don't think any adult nowadays is truly single. If they are it is rare. There is always someone out there that can claim you and say, "He/She is mine." For instance, if a man is dating a woman and he is having sexual enco


Gosh, I don't know where to start... I swear having a conversation with a woman nowadays is like talking to a wall. I'm not saying "ALL" women just a lot. lol Ok... a Facebook friend (Man) started a topic stating how there are not a lot of women that hold a man down mentally physically and financially. Well this is true because a lot of women nowadays have their hands out. Plus if you hold a man down like that women are looked at as stupid. They are told they are being used and so on and so forth. Maybe they actually have a decent man that looks out for them just as well. See this is were we need to keep people out of our personal business. Anyway, a lot of women commented on the post. It started out ok, but my problem is the information and the advice that the women was posting was generic advice. It's like this advice was recycled from uneducated in relationship women that think they know what they are talking about. I bet 90% of them haven't even had a lo