Who Is Really Is Completely Single

This is a question that I always ask. "Who Really Is Single?"
So here is how I got to that question again....

Yesterday I had a instant message conversation with that guy on Facebook. He had just sent me a friend request. About 20 mins after I accepted the request he instant messaged me. It caught me off guard because it was very fast. So we was having a conversation and he asked me was I single. The Big Question! So my response back to him was, "Who really is single nowadays." So there for that gave him neither a Yes or No answer. I told him, "I'm not married". So he responded, "Ok."

So all last night I was up thinking about it. I was asking myself if I was completely single. That answer is No. Honestly I don't think any adult nowadays is truly single. If they are it is rare. There is always someone out there that can claim you and say, "He/She is mine." For instance, if a man is dating a woman and he is having sexual encounters with here on a regular, at some point she is going to consider him hers, so if he was to meet someone new the previous partner would feel slighted in some kind of way. Like how is he moving on and we have something going on. So if the new woman ask if he is single and he says yes and then she finds out that he has been seeing the other woman since day on, he is going to look like a cheater no matter what he says. Now if it's a woman and she has feelings for another guy, it's going to be hard for her to say she is single when in reality she wants to be with the one man and not someone new. So how could she put her heart into someone new when she has been pining for someone else. So there for in her heart she isn't really single. Now in both situations they are single because they are not married but they still have people in their lives which makes it hard for the next person to penetrate. To me a true single person is someone that is dating and having fun with out crossing that sexual line. I personally get scared to meet new people. For 5 year I was separated and still married but dating and when people would ask me it I was single I would still say yes but on paper I wasn't. Then once I was divorced I still didn't feel, "Oh Yes!!! I'm finally single!" because I had a very special friend in my life. Now that is another thing. When you have a "Friend" how can you date other people. For instant I met this guy at a bar, he was pretty nice looking. He asked my for my number and I gave it to him. Now once it came down to the conversation he asked me if I had a boyfriend. I told him no but I do have a friend. I was being honest. I got no call back after that. It was rather funny. I didn't expect anything from that but it just showed me that the only way people really take you serious is if you have NO ONE in your life. But wait... If you have no one in your life then people think something is wrong with you. So it's like a lose lose. I honestly don't want to deal with a guy that has other woman in his life that he is physical with. But its hard to meet anyone like that. And who am I to judge when I have a special friend.

But here is what make people not all the way single... It's the other people that keep them in limbo... Think about it. If you are constantly having relations with someone eventually you will want more from that person and while you are wanting more for that person you are meeting new people that don't take you seriously because you are not 100% single.... Like how I twisted that together lol

But the moral of this story is no one is single unless they are not physically mingling. Get it??
Sex is our down fall and it pulls the heart strings. I honestly don't want to be single. I don't like how it feels. I don't want to party and BS all the time with my girls. I refuse to have random sex with anyone else and it's no fun going home alone. I don't want to be partially single either to the point where it don't seem like I am moving forward in the "Friendship" and the friendship is keeping from moving on because people expect you to have no one in your life. Catch 22. So this is why I ask is anyone ever really single. You may say she isn't your girl but in her mind she will always be your lady lol. You may not claim him as your man but if he see's you on the street with another man it's on.

So are were 100% single? No...


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