
Gosh, I don't know where to start...
I swear having a conversation with a woman nowadays is like talking to a wall. I'm not saying "ALL" women just a lot. lol Ok... a Facebook friend (Man) started a topic stating how there are not a lot of women that hold a man down mentally physically and financially. Well this is true because a lot of women nowadays have their hands out. Plus if you hold a man down like that women are looked at as stupid. They are told they are being used and so on and so forth. Maybe they actually have a decent man that looks out for them just as well. See this is were we need to keep people out of our personal business. Anyway, a lot of women commented on the post. It started out ok, but my problem is the information and the advice that the women was posting was generic advice. It's like this advice was recycled from uneducated in relationship women that think they know what they are talking about. I bet 90% of them haven't even had a long term relationship or marriage to even built their opinion from. But they want to debate off of quotes from other people and books like Steve Harvey's books which were empty and vague. I actually got aggravated over the so called debate. All I can say is I am not perfect but I have experience in "Relationships" that women my age and under don't have. I cannot say I have the same experience in dating. I notice a lot of women have a ton of experience in dating and I'm not sure if that is something to be proud of. They can tell you what it takes to get a man short term but the don't have the knowledge on how to keep one. They can teach you how to dress to get their attention but they cant teach you how to keep that man interested. What is funny to me is if you don't agree with what they spill out of their mouths then the argument begins. When the conversation turn for the worst I opt out and laugh to myself. I can say that I have been on a successful journey of self love and knowledge. So the things that these women speak echos lack of self love, self identity and lack of individuality. I wish these women would take the time to love themselves and read. TV is not where the answer is. Pick up a book. Don't just read on relationships, read any and everything you get your hands on. That is the key to your success. I love myself for growing. I give out advice only on what I know and what I have experience in. I don't take what other people say and reuse it and speak it as the gospel. That what it seems like these women have done. I had to laugh to myself and shake my head. And one you can tell that she really wanted real information. So instead of soaking up what I was offering, out of one side of her mouth she when against it and the other side she asked more questions and tried to offer up her own answer. This making another woman on the post upset. I giggled at it. Makes me want to take courses in life coaching. I already have some knowledge and I am putting it to work everyday and seeing some success. I am an open book absorbing knowledge every day. I wish all women would do the same. But I see it everyday. It's rather sad and it makes the debates boring. I would love for a woman to out debate me on relationships without getting mad and resorting to low blows, a real debate I can learn from.
So basically I am just venting about these women's lack of relationship education. Every man can't be trained and all men act differently towards different women. I know that for a fact. You cant change a man to do what you want them to do, you have to change yourself. That simple. I can go deeper but I think I have typed too much so I will leave it there...

Ms. Luvly


  1. "I notice a lot of women have a ton of experience in dating and I'm not sure if that is something to be proud of." - That is a rather interesting line. I feel sometimes that I am behind the curve because I don't have much dating experience, but at the same time the two relationships that I have been in have put me through so much that I can help you if you let me. I totally agree with picking up a book. I have read Steve Harvey's first book and getting ready to go through the second. However, I think that it is important to read about different experiences because not every single one is going to relate to you. Sometimes you have to take bits and pieces and do the best that you can with the information that you have. However, you have to be willing to get the information. Some of us are so caught up in reality tv, which is scripted and edited, that we forget that it is not real and this is not life. Unfortunately, I find females basing their lives off of that, forgetting that this is not how things go. I'm not sure how you meant this next statement - you have to change yourself - but I refuse to change myself for a man. If you can't accept and love me for me, I don't want or need you in my life. Sorry for the rant, but you gave me a lot to comment about and I appreciate you for that.


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