
Showing posts from October, 2011

Controlling Women, That Shit Isn't Good...

We all have been there at one point in time where we want to control our mans every action figuring it will keep him in check. But does it work? I really don't know, but I dont think so. I know they say men love bitches but DAMN, do it have to come to that point of control to keep a man. I want a man to want to be with me and want to be faithful to me without me having to check up on him and search through his things and questioning him. That 21 question thing is only fun when it's positive. That's why 50 cent did the video that way. But  it takes away from the relationship when there is so much insecurity. You lose the fun. I know this guy who was married to a friend of mine. He decided to move on to a new relationship. He is now in the process of getting remarried. So I decided to get back in contact with him just to say hi and congratulate him on his new endeavor. So I sent him a message on facebook. Instead of him responding his fiance responded asking who I was. I said

Real Love Making For a "WOMAN"

You have to make love to a real woman's mind first before you can her body. It is all connected and all one. Once you intrigue the woman's mind and consume her thoughts then that's when she will open herself up physically to you. Once that woman opens herself up to you and give herself to you then that is when you capture her heart. But you can also capture a woman's heart just mentally alone. It does't have to be a physical connection to achieve her heart it can be all mental. There is such a high connection when the minds are combined and intertwined as one before the bodies unite. People don't realize that mental stimulation is one of the biggest form of for play. If I can't connect with you on a mental level and you can't make me moist with just your words (and I don't mean sexual words) then most likely the sex won't feel like anything and will be dry as a desert. So to make love to a woman in whole you must connect with her mind and seduce 

If It Isn't Love...

As women we need to love ourselves enough to know when it isn't love. Some women spend their life looking for "The One". Does such a prince really exist? I believe so. I have always been open with myself and my life. Having experience marriage of over 10 years, I have learned a thing or two. I knew in that marriage that he was not my prince charming. Now back in the dating scene, it almost seems impossible to weed thru the weeds to find that one beautiful flower. But is it worth the challenge? The more time I have spent single the more I was starting to give up. Meeting false love and players. But I don't really let it sour me. I talk a lot of shit but I haven't really given up. I have learned that it truly takes time. If you don't want that false love you are going to have to weed through them in order to find that one that God put here for you. Then when you do find them don't expect it to always happen overnight. Maybe you are not ready for them or they

If U BELIEVE Good Men, Money & Success Don't Exist...


Flirting can Be A No No...

I really have a hard time understanding how a man expects a woman to accept flirting. There is a thin line with flirting. When dealing with a relationship you have to be careful of that line. It's an easy line to cross. Laughing smiling is light flirting. But once you get into sexual conversation that's cheating. Regardless if it is meant or not. Because eventually one of the persons who is in on the flirtation will want to follow thru. This is were the temptation comes into play. What is the point. Is there a lack of intimacy in the relationship? Probably so. But flirting is a game that should not be played by people in a relationship. If you are 100% single then go for it, but if you are entertaining a relationship, you are only asking for trouble...