If It Isn't Love...

As women we need to love ourselves enough to know when it isn't love. Some women spend their life looking for "The One". Does such a prince really exist? I believe so. I have always been open with myself and my life. Having experience marriage of over 10 years, I have learned a thing or two. I knew in that marriage that he was not my prince charming. Now back in the dating scene, it almost seems impossible to weed thru the weeds to find that one beautiful flower. But is it worth the challenge? The more time I have spent single the more I was starting to give up. Meeting false love and players. But I don't really let it sour me. I talk a lot of shit but I haven't really given up. I have learned that it truly takes time. If you don't want that false love you are going to have to weed through them in order to find that one that God put here for you. Then when you do find them don't expect it to always happen overnight. Maybe you are not ready for them or they are not ready for you. Keep moving with your life and in due time it will come together. I truly believe this. I know who's for me and who's not. I know when to let go and when to hold on. I know what position to put people in and treat them accordingly. Am I perfect and flawless? No of course not. I really do know what I am doing. The people that are truly in my life and close to me deserve to be there in that place. God has already showed me my match. Now it's about patience and time. Everything falls into place. I also admit that I am still learning. But if you stop learning and think you know everything than you know nothing. You know when you are loved, if it isn't love or how to love... Follow your heart and mind balanced...


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