Real Love Making For a "WOMAN"

You have to make love to a real woman's mind first before you can her body. It is all connected and all one. Once you intrigue the woman's mind and consume her thoughts then that's when she will open herself up physically to you. Once that woman opens herself up to you and give herself to you then that is when you capture her heart. But you can also capture a woman's heart just mentally alone. It does't have to be a physical connection to achieve her heart it can be all mental. There is such a high connection when the minds are combined and intertwined as one before the bodies unite. People don't realize that mental stimulation is one of the biggest form of for play. If I can't connect with you on a mental level and you can't make me moist with just your words (and I don't mean sexual words) then most likely the sex won't feel like anything and will be dry as a desert. So to make love to a woman in whole you must connect with her mind and seduce her with yours...


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