Controlling Women, That Shit Isn't Good...

We all have been there at one point in time where we want to control our mans every action figuring it will keep him in check. But does it work? I really don't know, but I dont think so. I know they say men love bitches but DAMN, do it have to come to that point of control to keep a man. I want a man to want to be with me and want to be faithful to me without me having to check up on him and search through his things and questioning him. That 21 question thing is only fun when it's positive. That's why 50 cent did the video that way. But  it takes away from the relationship when there is so much insecurity. You lose the fun. I know this guy who was married to a friend of mine. He decided to move on to a new relationship. He is now in the process of getting remarried. So I decided to get back in contact with him just to say hi and congratulate him on his new endeavor. So I sent him a message on facebook. Instead of him responding his fiance responded asking who I was. I said my name. (I got jokes) So she responded she knew that but she wanted to know exactly who I was. So I told he to ask her man. I let her know it wasn't a big deal. She asked him and she didn't like his response so she blocked me from his page. I thought it was rather funny. Either way you look at it she would have never let him speak to me. But because I was his ex's friend she wasn't having it. I have also been in a situation where my own cousins girlfriend want him not to deal with me because he was interested in one of my girlfriends. Well my cousin stressed that his relationship was on the rocks and he was looking to meet my friend, so out of loyalty to him I introduced them. I didn't know his girlfriend so to me I felt like I wasn't disrespecting his relationship. So my cousins girlfriend e-mailed my friend to tell her to stay away from him and her to tell me to stay away from him. Too funny. Women will go to the point of cutting off their mans relatives in order to keep them. Is love that important? I don't know. I'm not cutting no man off from his family just to keep him to myself. (I still talk to my cousin) But why do women feel like they have to go to such lengths to keep their man. I am not innocent. I have snooped to find shit out but I rather leave the fucker alone then to continue to be worried or controlling. If I had a man and he was determined to deal with people that I was not happy with him dealing with then it is my responsibility to get myself out of the situation where I am unhappy. It is not an overnight process but it will happen. But some women will continue to fight and argue and control the situation to keep their man. I feel like relationships should not be this much of a struggle. If a man really wants to be with you then you're not going to have to control the situation with another woman just to keep him in check. A man knows how to check himself. Too much time and energy is wasted on men that don't want to be kept. You can not force someone to be with you and you can not keep them from being attracted to another woman. All woman have had those issues. But Fuck That!!! Life is way too short for that. If my friends fiance is that insecure and worried about him then she has issues with herself. I'm not the first person that she came at and I won't be the last. They haven't even known each other that long and they haven't even been together in a relationship that long and she is already threatening other women. Crazy. That's stalker behavior and psychopathic behavior. I am not sure if I think it is even funny anymore. It's rather sad. No self love in that situation. Once a person loves God and themselves in whole then those types of situation wont exist. There will no longer be that need for love from a man. And then there will no longer be a need for insecure behaviors and control. I'd like a relationship where my man can come and go freely and he still respects our relationship and love me enough not to stray. Say the day ever comes when he does want to move on, respect the relationship and the woman enough to say you are moving on. But is that just wishful thinking? Well good luck to that woman and my friend on that volatile relationship because that's what it is. And good luck to me on finding a secure relationship on both parts...  


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