
Showing posts from June, 2012

Men Are In Need Of Love Too

I have notice lately a lot of men expressing how it is hard to find a decent woman nowadays. WTH (What The Hell for those that don't know short text hand). Anyway, I don't get it. If the women are saying its a shortage and the men cant find loyalty where is everyone looking and why cant these women meet those men? I have to admit that the men that I know that really want a relationship I happen to not be interested in them and the one I am interested in isn't ready. People always want what they cant have. I want to say to those guys so bad, "Here I am!!! A decent, driven, loving, loyal, humble woman!" But I know I'm not their right match and they know too or they would approach me. But it is ironic that the tables are turning and more men are looking for that special lady. They probably already had her and messed it up. Now they are on the hunt and keep meeting the "Ladies Of The Night". Those are the women just out to screw and use. I want to hug ev

Where is he already?!

Where is he already?! I am looking forward to this documentary from Tony Gaskin to come out.  CHECK IT OUT!!! Ms. Luvly

Choosing To Hold Out

I haven't written anything in a long time. Been very busy with life, stress and other ventures. I felt it was over due.  So today's topic i am going to get personal. I usually write vague but today I'm going to be more direct. So over the last 4 to five months I have been approached by different men that were interested in me. But here is the thing, they were more interested in sexing me. Typical guys. I've turned them down because that isn't what I want in my life right now. So the crazy thing about the advances is the lack of respect I have gotten from these men because of my choice. I've been called an old grandma, I've been told my pussy was dried up and so on and so forth. It's crazy! Here is what I tell them when I am approached. I let them know that I am not having random sex. That I am  looking for a relationship, that I refused to give my self freely to someone that doesn't want more than a fling. I lay it all out on the table. Now I don