Choosing To Hold Out

I haven't written anything in a long time. Been very busy with life, stress and other ventures. I felt it was over due. 
So today's topic i am going to get personal. I usually write vague but today I'm going to be more direct.
So over the last 4 to five months I have been approached by different men that were interested in me. But here is the thing, they were more interested in sexing me. Typical guys. I've turned them down because that isn't what I want in my life right now. So the crazy thing about the advances is the lack of respect I have gotten from these men because of my choice. I've been called an old grandma, I've been told my pussy was dried up and so on and so forth. It's crazy! Here is what I tell them when I am approached. I let them know that I am not having random sex. That I am  looking for a relationship, that I refused to give my self freely to someone that doesn't want more than a fling. I lay it all out on the table. Now I don't come straight out and say that, I only bring it up when they start talking sex. I grown and realize that women give themselves to freely to these men and too quick. We can ruin the potential of a great relationship by rushing into sex. One mistake that we as women make that we cant change. Some of use luck up with a partner that wasn't out for sex and still continued on with a stable relationship. But in reality, its hard to come across that everyday. I personally have been there done that and don't want to go back. So I guess I am weeding out the weeds this way. If there is no potential of a long term COMMITTED relationship or marriage there is no point of me letting a man penetrate my flesh and merge with my soul if he doesn't plan on staying. 

A lot of women think that they can with stand from catching feelings through sex, but it's a front and damn near impossible. We can play hard ball but we eventually get caught up and caught off guard. I no longer wish to walk in those shoes. So if I have to put it in God's hands and stay celibate then that's what I will do until that time come when someone steps up or God places someone new into my life that respects my values. I want to be Mrs. Right for my Mr. Right. So I pray on it. But I refuse to lower my standards just because these men want to rumble in the sack. Not interested at all. I'm so good. I wish every woman had these standards then the selection of men would be better. I really believe that. But I just want these men to respect my values or let me be...


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