Men Are In Need Of Love Too

I have notice lately a lot of men expressing how it is hard to find a decent woman nowadays. WTH (What The Hell for those that don't know short text hand). Anyway, I don't get it. If the women are saying its a shortage and the men cant find loyalty where is everyone looking and why cant these women meet those men? I have to admit that the men that I know that really want a relationship I happen to not be interested in them and the one I am interested in isn't ready. People always want what they cant have. I want to say to those guys so bad, "Here I am!!! A decent, driven, loving, loyal, humble woman!" But I know I'm not their right match and they know too or they would approach me. But it is ironic that the tables are turning and more men are looking for that special lady. They probably already had her and messed it up. Now they are on the hunt and keep meeting the "Ladies Of The Night". Those are the women just out to screw and use. I want to hug every guy I know that's ready for love and console them. Tell them it's going to be ok, but I would be lying. (Giggling to myself) This coming from a woman attracted to the men that grind hard and don't have time for stability. Shame I'm not attracted to the ready ones. But lets be real, even those road runners need someone stable in their life. Imagine running the streets at night, every night, hanging out with the fellas all day, that's great but you come home to a cold bed and only your pillow to hold. Or say you do have a warm body, but it's only for one night. I see a lot of men getting tired of that scenario. They are looking for their back bone, that mental and physical support that a woman can give them. A lot of men I know are tired of the bed hopping and endless bodies. It's apart of a man becoming a man. That's when you know a man has grown up. That urge to merge emotionally not just physically. I try to offer them as much advice as possible. But I definitely don't hold the key to the answers they need. I do feel where they are coming from. This new generation of women leave nothing to the imagination and have no standards or self worth. Making it harder for a man to settle but easier for them to have all you can screw. So the few fellas that are ready to become one cant even weed out the good from the bad. Plus with so many women going around swearing they a good girl but twirking on Youtube. Theses guys are struggling. But what amazes me is seeing these men so open and forth coming about what they want. That's why I want to hug them. It shows that they are man enough to express these wants and not worried about what other men think. Some men think that they cant become successful with a woman but a real successful man has his woman by his side rooting him on and showing love and support. I am so proud of the few I know that's ready to settle down. I wish them all the luck in the world...

Ms. Luvly


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