What A Woman Really Wants (Ms Luvly's View)

What Women Want 

Men try to guess and speculate about what a woman really want from them, but from my point of view I can give you the 411 on what we want and what we need. I can't speak for all women but I can definitely speak for me...

1. Honesty - the truth hurts but it beats being caught in a lie because that kills.
2. Respect - it's okay to look at other women but to stare is bad. Respect us as your woman, respect our jobs or careers. Respect our parenting, respect our feelings some of us are too damn sensitive.
3. Unconditional love - love us flaws and all. Everyone is not build like a model and who wants to be! Some of us have curves that won't quit and bodies that are thick and we know how to work it!!!
4. Stability - We all are not 100% independent! Yes we can take care of ourselves but at the same time some of us wants that support and caring. We want to feel secure to the point that if we lose our job or change jobs you will be there to support financially and mentally. vice versa.
5. Loyalty - Is it really so hard not to stray? Is the temptation that bad. If you are not ready for a relationship then don't approach. Let us decide if we want a fling or if we don't. If you know you are just looking for a fling, look for the chick that is on the same level as you. Don't approach the females that want a real man, not a toy. Then you won't have drama and you won't cheat. If you are so ready to settle then do your research and find that woman who is and stay loyal.
6. Sex - Now we like sex just as much as you do, some of us more. If your game is weak then get some protected practice before you decide to step up to the plate and go for a home run. Not all of us want to be teachers. Some of us want to be taught and thrown around too lol. But then there are some of us that want to guide and lead. But at least get your game tight first before you make your approach. I don't agree with every female about size does matter because what you are lacking in the low area you can make up for in the upper areas if you know what I mean. If you don't, then I mean unforgettable 4 play.
7. Intelligence - I can not stand a dumb man. I am speaking for my self but a beautiful mind is a turn on. Stimulate my brain. Keep me on my toes. Give me things to think about. Have some real knowledge. That's a turn on.
8. Goals - You might not have finished high school or went to college but have some real goals in your life and trying to accomplish it. Don't be hanging on no corners, selling drugs or doing nothing with your life. A good dick isn't always going to keep us. Be able to take care of yourself. Be a hard worker and determined.
8. Attentive - This is a major thing that I know I want. I am speaking for my self on this one. Make an effort. I know the chase is the best part of the catch, but once you catch us then what? Bored, well we get bored too. What ever you did to get me continue to do. And what ever I did to get you I will continue. If you called me once a day, then continue. If you took me out once a week, then continue. Don't change because you think oh now I got her I can chill she isn't going anywhere. WRONG!! I like that attention just as much as you do. If I call you call me. If I write you write me. If I come see you, come see me. Just do everything you did from day one and the relationship will run smooth. Don't slack! 
9. Romance - LOVE IT!! Flowers, cards, love notes, poems, kisses on the cheek for no reason at all. A hug in the middle of the day just because. It's not always about money. The little things count. If you have a good woman she will do the same in return just because she loves you.
10. Quality Time - It is just fine to hang out with your boys, but your boys isn't the one you make love to at night and if you chose them over your woman more than 50% of the time then you are gay!!! Straight up! What straight man chooses dick over pussy any day?

That is 10 major issues if I missed anything OH WELL!! lol :)


  1. Yes Indeed Ms.Luvly!Love this Blog. I know this is what I want!

  2. Yes PamBbaby, I try to speak for us ladies :)


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