Decide Now!!!

Some people get into relationships for the wrong reasons. Everything seems so peaches and cream in the beginning, but once things start to go sour then what? As a women things go sour and we still try to fight for it, knowing that we are in a fight by ourselves. Ladies once you feel it's over it's over. Stop trying to make shit out of nothing. I say this from experience. Think about when you are in a situation and you don't like how it's going. You feel in your gut that it's not right but you continue on trying to make it work. Why the hell is that. Why not just cut your loses and keep it moving instead of suffering. That's like I tell people all the time, how it is before you get married is how it's going to be after. It you argue all the time in your relationship and there is no communication then that's how it's going to be. People don't change and if they do it's rare. I'm not going to say all because some people only have to mature. But if you are feeling things are not right then follow those feelings. The only person that's going to make you happy is you. Stop expecting someone else to put that smile on your beautiful face, because instead they could be taking it. I sit back and think about everything that I have been through over the last ten years and I am surprised at my self with where I am. Not a good surprise either. But I am still learning and growing. Me writing this blog is my learning experience that I share with the world. I am growing right along with y'all. I am writing down my experiences as they happen. What I learn today is if you are truly not happy with your situation then don't force the issue. Leave it alone and make yourself happy. That simple. Ok ok it is easier said then done, but at least think about it. For example. If you have a job that you are unhappy with, would you stay there for the rest of your life or would you find another job? You would find another job. Well sometimes you have to look at your relationship in the same light. If you are unhappy find another one. It's not that easy with marriage that's suppose to be thick and thin but a regular old relationship, you don't have to tolerate the madness. Make yourself happy. At the end of the day it's always about you...


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