How To Have Love?

How to have love? That was always one big question that I always asked. I wanted love so badly that I wanted to know every which way I had to go about getting it. But the answer to that question lies within yourself. The answer is... focus on yourself and love yourself. That simple. It really is, but it isn't that simple. The answer is simple but the action is hard. When you are so used to focusing on receiving love from someone you tend to make them the focal point in your life and you put yourself on the back burner. So you have to turn that around. Take the focus off of them and put it ALL on you. When you put yourself first and love yourself unconditionally, which means accepting all your flaws then love can follow. Ask yourself these questions... 
1. Do you love yourself in whole?
2. Do you put yourself first?
3. Would you want to be with you in the state that you are right now?
If your answers to these questions are honestly yes then you are on the right path. If no then you need work. I my self was not answering yes to those questions. I loved myself but it wasn't unconditionally. I wasn't accepting my flaws. I was looking for perfection in myself which we all know doesn't exist. But if you are hard on yourself then how do you expect someone else not to be hard on you. If you don't treat yourself well then how do you expect anyone else to treat you well. We are all mirrors of what we put out. If we are not putting out love and respect for ourselves then how do we expect to receive it back. You can't. You allow what you receive. So by loving and respecting yourself and putting yourself first, it will make a world of a different with how you attract love. Also once you receive love you have to remember that you can not change anyone. Let me repeat... you can not change ANYONE. If there is something about that relationship you do not like you have to change you. And in turn changing you will change the other persons actions towards you. Like I said we are mirrors. What we are is what we put out. So if you are reflecting a positive loving respectful individual then that is what you well receive in return. I type this like it is an easy process, but pleased do not be fooled. It is an everyday struggle. But one day at a time and patience. That's it. So that's how to have love... love yourself first above all others...


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