
I haven't wrote a blog in a LONG time, but today I was inspired to do so. So here goes...

I titled this blog Love because that's basically what it is about. I responded to a post today on Facebook about love hurting. The person wrote, "Be careful who you love because love is pain and it might be a pain that aspirin cant make go away." Nice try at explaining hurt and love but it was a no go. I told them love is not hurt. I really don't think they comprehended what I was trying to explain. They said you can love someone so much that it hurts and I told them that's infatuation. Then they said that they knew someone that broke up with a person and hurt for a long time after. I told them that's different than hurting in a relationship. Of course everything got twisted. They seem to get offended with my "Advice" when I actually wasn't offering up any. Too funny to me. Anyway so I am writing this blog to break it down from Ms. Luvly's point of view.

What is Love? Love is God... That simple. God would not put love into your life and have it cause you pain. Love is not pain. Love is happiness, joy, excitement, enjoyment. Love lifts you up and encourages you. Love makes you laugh and smile. Love makes you feel warm inside. Love supports you and gives you drive. That is love. Love is not pain. God is not pain. Pain is the DEVIL. If you think you are in love and you are in pain that is nothing but the devil and that is not love. A lot of people confuse love and infatuation. When you are infatuated with someone it may seem that the love is causing pain. That is YOU causing yourself pain for assuming that it is love. Also most people mix LUST for LOVE. So say you think you are in love with someone and you are feeling all this pain from the relationship. Trust it's not love, it's most likely lust or infatuation and it is also a lack of self love. Love does not hurt. Lack of love does. God didn't create love to hurt. So if you are hurting it's not love.
So I told this person I only speak from experience and he said my experience might not work for everyone. True to a point. I'm am not telling people what to do I am just giving definition and showing them truth. I have been on a self journey for a while now and have grown and learned so much about love and where it starts. So when I am on FB and I see random off the wall post that make no sense like the one I stated I have no other choice but to comment. It's just to open peoples eyes and their hearts and help them see what is real. There are so may bitter people in this world that they really don't know what love is and where it starts. You try to explain it to them and they get on the defensive  Why I don't know. I don't claim to be perfect and I always say this but obviously I have been doing something right. I was married before. I was over 10 year. It didn't last but I rode out its duration. It lasted as long as it was suppose to last. Nothing is forever. I can definitely explain to women how I got there. Most don't even know how to get down the isle. Then i am not a dater. I only know how to have a relationship with one person at a time. I've had a great man and friend in my life for the past 4 years. So obviously I know how to keep people in my life. Will it become more? Who knows but only God but the point is it's one stable person. All people know is random people and random sex. No one knows anything about love, dedication and longevity. All the people in this world know nowadays is "On To The Next". No one has any fight for love left in them. All everyone knows is how to give up. Love is my life and my passion and it is not something that you share with just anyone. People don't really know what love is until they are completely loving themselves and 80% of people don't even love themselves. Plus people don't take the time to read and study the ins and outs of relationships but swear they can make a quote and it makes sense. Only other people that don't know will take it as gospel.

My mission on this planet was to master Love. How many other people can tell you why God put them here? Not many. I will continue to spread love and teach love. I will continue to try and educate people on how to love. I am a work in progress. It don't take no degree to show people love. All it takes is experience and faith in God to know what is Love. He's told me and everyday he shows me. Little by little I have seen a change in me. I was never bitter but I used to be clueless to love and what it really was. But the more I watch people suffer and be miserable the more I am shown.

You can tell by peoples post on FB what they are going through. I should know because I was one and my coat tail was pulled. I took that and ran with it and started to build love within me.

I know I am going in but it hurts me to see the lack of knowledge and love in people. They would rather listen to their bitter friends than to their happy ones.

It took me a long time to get to where I am at on my path. But I am in a great space and where I am at I can share this with others. People that are really out to learn love will appreciate my learned wisdom because they know I have come from where they are.

Enough babbling lol but like I said before Love is not Hurt. Love is GOD!!! Know this, God would not cause hurt...


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