Friendship? (Venting)

"We are just friends"... says who? This is the escape of relationships nowadays. No title no explanation. Excuses for people to do what they want and still reap the rewards. Friendships dont involve sex. That's not friendship so people stop putting that title on it. It's not even "Homie Lover Fried" that doesnt even really exist. Lets just say what it really is... Using. Real friends dont partake in "relationship" behaviors. You dont see a woman having sex with her girlfriends or a man having sex with his homies and saying "Oh we just "friends".Ok on some rare occasion that happens but lets keep it real. This s a lame excuse for people to use to get what they want out of a person without putting a commitment to it so that they can continue to have sex with multiple people. I find it sad and rather disgusting that people use so easily. Then expect the person not to feel some type of way or try to stake claim. How can you continue to explore someone on a relationship level then put them in a friendship category. It's Bull Shit. I responded to a facebook status today about the same thing and the guy said, "Why is it that a man can be on chill mode, Home alone on ice & don't answer his phone cause of just that reason. A woman will make her own assumptions make it to where in her head that he's with another woman saying fuck her." So I said, "Because we are crazy or you already gave us a reason to not trust you." So he said, " But what if there no relationship, no title, just a friend. Trust is earned. I can't trust crazy." See this is the stuff I am talking about. I bet he sends this female mixed signals like crazy. You cant have it always. Either you be with someone or you dont! You cant give someone a taste of a relationship then get frustrated with them when they treat you like you are in one with them. Hot one minute cold the next. That shit is confusing for men and woman. Obviously she dont see him as just friends or she wouldnt get upset about him not answering his phone. But a lot of people dont want to take responsibility for their actions on how they mislead people. I keep telling people if you dont want to mix signals with someone dont sleep with them or treat them as if they was your partner. Especially if you sleep with them more than once its over. Someone is claiming. Then you try to throw in the friendship card and expect them to play by your rules that you didnt set from the gate BEFORE having sex or spending that relationship time. This is why there are a lot of crazy people out there nowadays, just for shit like this. Stop calling people you are sleeping with a friend! They are not your got damn friend because trust and believe when its over they will never speak to you again then where is that friendship???


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