Don't Ruin The Relationships For The Rest Of Us

I'm going to vent for a minute about certain women...

Wake The Fuck Up!!!

I CAN'T STAND SOME OF YOU WOMEN! Y'all Make me sick! Easy and no self worth type of women! I don't care who this offends. If it offends you then it fits you. I'm talking about the women that will sleep with anything that have a penis, the women that give a man all her money, women that accept the "Come to my house" type of dudes, women that have kids all fast with someone they don't know, women that expose their kids to men that they don't know, those types of women. I can go on and on and on. I'm going to come off judgmental as shit but FUCK IT! This is why relationships are fucked up. Its not the men its the women. The women with no standard or act hard up. Ya'll ruin it for the rest of us because y'all make it so easy for these men to be nothing. The men don't have to have a standard because y'all come with none. You sleep with other peoples men then say "He's mine" then expect the man to turn around and be loyal back. You allow a man to lay up in your house after only knowing them a week. You allow a man to have sex with you but y'all never go anywhere or do anything out side of your home. You don't give yourself a chance to know a man before you are bedding him and giving him your world. I don't get it. Then when a woman of substance is trying to settle down we get the men spoiled and ruined. Then we have to go behind your handy fucked up work and be Miss Fix It. Try to teach the man how a real woman is supposed to be treated. But they are so used to this cheaper by the dozen type of woman that think love is in between their legs. Just because a man lays up under you in your home doesn't mean he loves you let alone like you. But you tolerate it for a body and ruin them. Men get so accustomed to not having to put in any effort that when they meet a woman that expects something from them they don't deal with them. Then try getting into a relationship with a man knowing that he is dealing with easy women is a waste of time. He'll pick quantity over quality anytime which is horrible. Why would he want one woman of substance when he can get what he want from multiple people with no commitment. How can a woman show a man that she have value when all he sees nowadays is women that lack value and self love. I'm sick of it! I'm sick of hearing about it. But these same women claim to want love. Love is not you're pussy or you wallet. Stop selling yourself. Give a man a chance to get to know you before you fuck him. Allow yourself to get to know him before you are inviting him back to your house. Go out on dates, walk a park or go get a coffee. Start off light. Damn stop ruining it for the rest of us. Raise you standard. Something!

This is a huge problem. I cant speak on what the brothers should do because I'm not a man, but I can say that a lot of women are a disgrace. Then you want to fight and argue over the same man that you ruined and get mad when he won't commit to you. HE'S NOT COMMITTING TO NO ONE NOW BECAUSE YOU RUINED HIM!!! 

Don't y'all see the damage that you are doing to all of us? You have not only ruined him for us, you have ruined him for yourself too. Once he feels like he's had enough of you he'll be on to the next victim because you have gave him everything you had to offer 2 days after meeting him. How do you get pregnant so fast by someone you just met? Then be the same woman that turn around and put the man on child support and claim he's a dead beat. Well you would have known that if you would have got to know him first. Or how do you let a man move in with you after a month of knowing him? He pays no bills eat up all your food and fucks you. Then you turn around and think that's love. What's wrong with the people in this world nowadays. Are y'all really that hard up? Do you want love that bad that you will sacrifice yourself just for a body? 

This dating scene is horrible nowadays just for this reason. This isn't ever polygamy. I'll accept that but this shit right here. CRAZY! 

Sounds like I'm just rambling and I am. But I'm just sick of this whole shit. If we women don't step up and unify we will never get great men. Now don't get me wrong, there are a lot of great men that are out here that are not affected by these women but they are still put through the temptation of these women on a regular. Then there are so many weak men out here with no self worth where that's all they are used to is women with no values. Also there are man that only prey on those type of women.

I think that if we all stuck together with our standards we could conform the state of love. Don't be so needy so easy so fast. Give yourself time to know them. Stop trying to fuck for love. If you just want to fuck than keep your feelings out of it. Damn its not hard. Stop thinking because he fucked the shit out of you that he loves you because he doesn't. Start questioning why y'all never go out, why you don't know his friends or his family. Why you haven't met his kids if he has any. All of that shit is important. Stop with these bedroom relationships! Wake The Fuck Up!!!

Ms. Luvly


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