How Men Should Cheat...

I know this is a difficult topic to talk about and I know that a lot of women will not appreciate this, but this is actually more to help women than men. So let me begin...

In my experience in this relationship world (which right now I can't stand lol) I have learned a lot of mistakes that men make that get them caught up in drama because lack of knowledge on how to cheat. 

Guys cheat for whatever their reason and still stay in a relationship and call it love. But I never understood why a man would cheat on his lady and not get rid of all evidence. Do they not realize by now that a lot of women are a bunch of snoops and they will always find out what's going on. Or that a woman's intuition is really strong. I just want to knock a man up against his head or shake some sense in them. Wake them up so that they can see that their reckless actions are doing a lot of harm to a lot of women which is causing a huge amount of hurt that comes back full circle. So I'm going to explains a couple of things that will help ease a few heart if a cheating man becomes more responsible for their actions and sensitive of a woman's feelings.

1. If you love your woman and you feel that urge to cheat dont. Just let it go. The grass is not green at all. Let me tell you something about women that you may not know. We know how to conform our self to a man to pull him in. Woman always look more appealing in the beginning. Especially if they know you are in a relationship. They will always lead you believe that they can give you something better than what you have. Let me tell you that it is BS. It's a lure to pull you in, but once they get you they will start acing like the woman you have or worse. Do you really think you get blessed with a better partner by cheating? No! The woman you cheat with is not a blessing, TRUST! So instead of cheating just leave the relationship and if you are too selfish to do that than you deserve no blessings.

2. So you decide to cheat because you realize that you dont have control of your urges the least thing that you can do is cover your tracks you fucking lazy ass cheaters! lol Real talk!!!  A lot of you men are so lazy. You want what you want but you won't cover your tracks. Then you turn around and say you love your lady. Come on now. It's like you are going to the bathroom to take a shit and you dont completely wipe you ass. So now you walk around with your ass half shitty. Then you start to stink and but the end of the day our underware have a shit streak in them. Well that's what happens when you dont cover yourself when you cheat. You begin to stank and a woman can smell it like a hound dog. Once a woman smells that stinch she will find out where its coming from. But if you cover your trail, wipe your ass then you might not get caught up.

Now let me tell you how to correct your mistakes so you dont get caught up in drama and you dont hurt your lady. If you really must cheat this new age technology has to be thrown out the window. STOP TEXTING!!! If you do erase it immediately. But it is better to not text so there is no way to forget. This works good on both side, one your lady will never read your flirting and the other woman will feel special because you actually took the time to call. Also STOP LIKING PHOTOS ON SOCIAL MEDIA!!! That right there will get you caught up 100%. It is ok to like a picture but you dont have to tell the world. If you want that woman to know that you are interested in them just inbox them and then delete the messages when done. That simple. So if your lady cracks your social media (Which we do) there is no evidence. She cant see any woman that you like or messaged. You look innocent. Guys you do entirely too much just to get the attention of someone you dont really want to be with and you ruin what you have at home. Is it really worth it? 

Now if you decide to call the other woman dont save her number in your phone. How stupid are you. Shes nothing right? So she doesn't deserve to have her number saved. Even changing the names it's still saved. We will know. The less evidence the less you will get caught up.  

Now here is the hard one, pick the woman you cheat with wisely. It is better to cheat with a married woman or a woman that is in a relationship because if they have something to lose then they wont mess with your situation. She will stay in her place. If you cheat with a woman that is looking for a relationship you will get caught up. Want to know why? Because woman always wants to be number 1 in your life. So if she catches feelings she will try to eliminate any other woman that might be in her way of what she wants. If she knows you are in a relationship, in the beginning she will behave but once she decides she wants you all bets are off and her main agenda is to ruin what you have. So you can't cheat with a woman that wants a relationship. You are basically giving her false hope. So in the end you end up hurting two women. So choose wisely.

I'll make this the last one... Fellas, dont change how you behave with your woman or how you handle home. HOME ALWAYS COMES FIRST. Of course that other woman will make you fee that green illusion grass and it will have you mistreating your lady and not taking care of home as you used to. Don't allow it to happen. Don't allow the illusion to make you change. So you are working job and you hear about another job that appears to be better so you apply for the job and you are hopeful that is pay more and is better than the one you have, But here's the thing, you dont stop doing what you are doing at your old job just because you are hopeful of the new job. No you keep working hard and keep getting your checks. Also you dont walk around the office telling everyone about the potential of the new job because if you do it will get back to the boss and you might get fired. No you keep it to yourself until you are sure that the job comes through. Now imaging you ran your mouth and worked less because of the possibility and it doesn't come through and you get fired. Now you have neither jobs. Or imaging you get the job and then that job sucks and you burned the bridge with the old job so they wont rehire you. Then what? Exactly!!! Cover your tracks. That simple. Respect yourself, respect your relationship and respect your lady. But on the real just dont cheat. If you still have those urges be man enough to just be by yourself. Be 100% single then there will be no issues. NONE...

Ms. Luvly


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