Men and Their Lies


There is an epidemic going on where no matter how small the situation men lie and they lie easy. Why is it so hard for a man to tell the truth?

So, you are interested in this guy. You have great conversations, laugh, joke and talk on the phone for hours. You start catching feeling for this guy. All of a sudden you are feeling that he is the one. You have so much in common, how can you not feel that way. You two have even taken the relationship to another level and had sex. You are thinking he is such a great guy, darn near flawless. Then all of a sudden BOOM!!! You find out that he just had a baby. Then you start to calculate the time spent to the time it takes to conceive and give birth and the math doesn't add up. "So you men to tell me all this time that I have given you, you had a baby on the way?" This is the question you ask yourself.

How did this man go without letting this woman know that he had a child on the way? Is he already in a relationship? Why was it such a secret?

This is a prime example of a bad lie a man tells. Questions are asked about his status giving him the floor to say he's expecting a child. It's so easy to meet a woman and tell her I'm expecting a kid, but no, nothing. So men take away a woman's choice to choose if she want to see him knowing his circumstances. That's basicly what a lie does. It takes away choices.

A man will lie about where he's going, who he's with and when he'll be back. When he can easily be honest and if it is because he is cheating on his woman than he just needs to be single. But nope that's too like right. Why be single when he can lie to you to keep you for selfish reasons, take away your choice and still sees whomever he wants behind your back.

But wait, the lies are so BAD! Like he doesn't even take the time to be creative with it. Pulls it out his ass. Fellas, dont you know the truth always comes out? ALWAYS!

I wish that men would understand that the lies hurt women more than the truth does. Granted we will still fell hurt or angry but there will be a level of respect. If you feel as though you have to lie to the person you are seeing than that is not the person for you.

I'd like to see the epidemic of lies from men come to an end. I would like for them to release women and allow them to have a choice in the matter. Stop taking away a woman's choice with your lies. Give her the freedom to choose whether she wants to stay with you or not. Stop the madness. Stop the lies....

Thank you lol

Ms. Luvly


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