
Love At First Sight

As I sit here listening to him create his music, I start to reminisce about the first day. Same two people 2 separate angles. But there I was listening to his music. It filled the room and my ears. I couldn't even see his face but I was already intrigued and mesmerized by him. I was just getting into music and I had never watched anyone build a beat before. I had only heard the music , people sing to the music or rap to the music. I was amazed. The sound of the music and the way he moved his body as he created was enough to pull me in. Never even cared what he looked like at this point I was already gone. Then he turned around with these bright eyes and an amazing smile. He had me at hello. I loved him at his purest form. I didn't know who he was or where he came from. It was a while before I even knew his real name. I knew nothing about him I just knew I loved him. As I write this I realized that I have experience things with him that I never experience wi

Don't Ruin The Relationships For The Rest Of Us

I'm going to vent for a minute about certain women... Wake The Fuck Up!!! I CAN'T STAND SOME OF YOU WOMEN! Y'all Make me sick! Easy and no self worth type of women! I don't care who this offends. If it offends you then it fits you. I'm talking about the women that will sleep with anything that have a penis, the women that give a man all her money, women that accept the "Come to my house" type of dudes, women that have kids all fast with someone they don't know, women that expose their kids to men that they don't know, those types of women. I can go on and on and on. I'm going to come off judgmental as shit but FUCK IT! This is why relationships are fucked up. Its not the men its the women. The women with no standard or act hard up. Ya'll ruin it for the rest of us because y'all make it so easy for these men to be nothing. The men don't have to have a standard because y'all come with none. You sleep with other peoples m

Welcome Me Back

I want to welcome myself back. It's almost been a year since I lasted posted a blog. I just think I kind of lost my drive to write. I have had a lot of things going on in my life that I needed to tend to. I'm going to make an effort to try and post something once a week or once every other week, just to get things up and running again. I am going to reach out to my followers on Instagram for help with topics. My Instagram is @iammsluvly . I just need some topics that I can write about. But the only problem is I will probably hurt some feelings if certain people decide to read my blog. But I honestly dont care because they are not people I fuck with. Soooooo let the fun begin... Ms. Luvly


What is a bedroom relationship do you ask? Well let me explain it to you... A bedroom relationship is exactly what it says. A relationship base in the bedroom only.  Ever met a guy and you really like him but the only thing you can get him to do is come over your house and that's it. He not available to you to go out on a "date". He's only available to come over, eat your food, watch your TV and fuck. That's a bedroom relationship. It has no substance and it doesn't go further then your house.  There are a lot of people that swear  they have a great relationship because they spend a lot of time together. Awww that's sweet. Then I'll ask, "So what do y'all do, where do y'all go?" Crickets! lol They don't go anywhere, they don't do anything, they don't travel outside of their city. The most traveling they do together is run to the store to buy food to eat in from of the TV. lol  If every time you see som

How Men Should Cheat...

I know this is a difficult topic to talk about and I know that a lot of women will not appreciate this, but this is actually more to help women than men. So let me begin... In my experience in this relationship world (which right now I can't stand lol) I have learned a lot of mistakes that men make that get them caught up in drama because lack of knowledge on how to cheat.  Guys cheat for whatever their reason and still stay in a relationship and call it love. But I never understood why a man would cheat on his lady and not get rid of all evidence. Do they not realize by now that a lot of women are a bunch of snoops and they will always find out what's going on. Or that a woman's intuition is really strong. I just want to knock a man up against his head or shake some sense in them. Wake them up so that they can see that their reckless actions are doing a lot of harm to a lot of women which is causing a huge amount of hurt that comes back full circle. So I'

Men and Their Lies

Lies There is an epidemic going on where no matter how small the situation men lie and they lie easy. Why is it so hard for a man to tell the truth? So, you are interested in this guy. You have great conversations, laugh, joke and talk on the phone for hours. You start catching feeling for this guy. All of a sudden you are feeling that he is the one. You have so much in common, how can you not feel that way. You two have even taken the relationship to another level and had sex. You are thinking he is such a great guy, darn near flawless. Then all of a sudden BOOM!!! You find out that he just had a baby. Then you start to calculate the time spent to the time it takes to conceive and give birth and the math doesn't add up. "So you men to tell me all this time that I have given you, you had a baby on the way?" This is the question you ask yourself. How did this man go without letting this woman know that he had a child on the way? Is he already in a relationship? W

Friendship? (Venting)

"We are just friends"... says who? This is the escape of relationships nowadays. No title no explanation. Excuses for people to do what they want and still reap the rewards. Friendships dont involve sex. That's not friendship so people stop putting that title on it. It's not even "Homie Lover Fried" that doesnt even really exist. Lets just say what it really is... Using. Real friends dont partake in "relationship" behaviors. You dont see a woman having sex with her girlfriends or a man having sex with his homies and saying "Oh we just "friends".Ok on some rare occasion that happens but lets keep it real. This s a lame excuse for people to use to get what they want out of a person without putting a commitment to it so that they can continue to have sex with multiple people. I find it sad and rather disgusting that people use so easily. Then expect the person not to feel some type of way or try to stake claim. How can you continue to e