
Showing posts from 2012

Who Is Really Is Completely Single

This is a question that I always ask. "Who Really Is Single?" So here is how I got to that question again.... Yesterday I had a instant message conversation with that guy on Facebook. He had just sent me a friend request. About 20 mins after I accepted the request he instant messaged me. It caught me off guard because it was very fast. So we was having a conversation and he asked me was I single. The Big Question! So my response back to him was, "Who really is single nowadays." So there for that gave him neither a Yes or No answer. I told him, "I'm not married". So he responded, "Ok." So all last night I was up thinking about it. I was asking myself if I was completely single. That answer is No. Honestly I don't think any adult nowadays is truly single. If they are it is rare. There is always someone out there that can claim you and say, "He/She is mine." For instance, if a man is dating a woman and he is having sexual enco


Gosh, I don't know where to start... I swear having a conversation with a woman nowadays is like talking to a wall. I'm not saying "ALL" women just a lot. lol Ok... a Facebook friend (Man) started a topic stating how there are not a lot of women that hold a man down mentally physically and financially. Well this is true because a lot of women nowadays have their hands out. Plus if you hold a man down like that women are looked at as stupid. They are told they are being used and so on and so forth. Maybe they actually have a decent man that looks out for them just as well. See this is were we need to keep people out of our personal business. Anyway, a lot of women commented on the post. It started out ok, but my problem is the information and the advice that the women was posting was generic advice. It's like this advice was recycled from uneducated in relationship women that think they know what they are talking about. I bet 90% of them haven't even had a lo

Young Dumb and Full Of Cum (and not the men)

So I was on twitter last night tweeting some friends. Mind you, I am finally getting to enjoy the site. At first I thought it was stupid but now I actually enjoy. Anyways, I can't figure out how or why people use the social media sites to air all their dirty laundry. I mean the details not vague statements. So there was a female online that was "Subtweeting" my friends man. The female used to "date" if that's what you call it. Oh, subtweeting is when you say something to someone without @ their name. So here is the story... The young lady met the guy on twitter and from what I heard she only knew him for a couple of weeks and had sex with him. During their sexual escapades she told him she "Loved" him. Um, that's really fast. Then she continued to tell him she loved him. I was wondering if he really put it on her or if she is just plain dumb. Then he fell back because he was feeling uncomfortable. Now I am not knocking her feelings, I just th

Men Are In Need Of Love Too

I have notice lately a lot of men expressing how it is hard to find a decent woman nowadays. WTH (What The Hell for those that don't know short text hand). Anyway, I don't get it. If the women are saying its a shortage and the men cant find loyalty where is everyone looking and why cant these women meet those men? I have to admit that the men that I know that really want a relationship I happen to not be interested in them and the one I am interested in isn't ready. People always want what they cant have. I want to say to those guys so bad, "Here I am!!! A decent, driven, loving, loyal, humble woman!" But I know I'm not their right match and they know too or they would approach me. But it is ironic that the tables are turning and more men are looking for that special lady. They probably already had her and messed it up. Now they are on the hunt and keep meeting the "Ladies Of The Night". Those are the women just out to screw and use. I want to hug ev

Where is he already?!

Where is he already?! I am looking forward to this documentary from Tony Gaskin to come out.  CHECK IT OUT!!! Ms. Luvly

Choosing To Hold Out

I haven't written anything in a long time. Been very busy with life, stress and other ventures. I felt it was over due.  So today's topic i am going to get personal. I usually write vague but today I'm going to be more direct. So over the last 4 to five months I have been approached by different men that were interested in me. But here is the thing, they were more interested in sexing me. Typical guys. I've turned them down because that isn't what I want in my life right now. So the crazy thing about the advances is the lack of respect I have gotten from these men because of my choice. I've been called an old grandma, I've been told my pussy was dried up and so on and so forth. It's crazy! Here is what I tell them when I am approached. I let them know that I am not having random sex. That I am  looking for a relationship, that I refused to give my self freely to someone that doesn't want more than a fling. I lay it all out on the table. Now I don

How To Have Love?

How to have love? That was always one big question that I always asked. I wanted love so badly that I wanted to know every which way I had to go about getting it. But the answer to that question lies within yourself. The answer is... focus on yourself and love yourself. That simple. It really is, but it isn't that simple. The answer is simple but the action is hard. When you are so used to focusing on receiving love from someone you tend to make them the focal point in your life and you put yourself on the back burner. So you have to turn that around. Take the focus off of them and put it ALL on you. When you put yourself first and love yourself unconditionally, which means accepting all your flaws then love can follow. Ask yourself these questions...  1. Do you love yourself in whole? 2. Do you put yourself first? 3. Would you want to be with you in the state that you are right now? If your answers to these questions are honestly yes then you are on the right path. If no then

I've Been M.I.A

I have been M.I.A for a minute. It's not like I haven't had anything to write about. I have just been doing some growing and more research on this thing called love. So I will be back at it blogging as much as possible my views on love and sex...

Giving Up Yourself For Love

I really think that the biggest mistake that women make in their life is giving up who they are for who they love. We lose sight of ourselves because we focus too much on what the other person wants. Whatever happened to the day where you could support and love the other person and still focus on yourself at the same time? Those days are now gone. If you cant be yourself in a relationship then that's not the relationship tat you should be in. Don't lose yourself because of love. If that's the case then that's not love. Put your wants first. Always... 

Karma I Know Her All Too Well...

Since the New Year has come around I have had great revelations. I was trying to figure out why in the world I, yes me was having so much relationship problems recently. Then it hit me... KARMA!!! I have not been a good girl over the last couple of years. I say from 2007 to 2011 I have done some unquestionable things. Should I tell my secrets?? Naw!!! lol I might just elaborate on them. Let's just say I dealt with people that I had no business being with and I know I hurt other people in the process but I didn't care. Most of the time I practice what I preach but I swear I so zoned out. I was a little wild and I am glad I caught myself and tied myself down. Then I am wondering why I have had problems. I'm just going to offer this little advice. Think about what you do before you do it. I mean really do. Plus don't do anything to anyone else that you don't want done to you. Ok let's just say I have interfered in a relationship and didn't care. (smacking my ha