The Beginning

In the beginning of a relationship you get butterflies in your stomach just to think about that person. You can't wait to see them. You get so excited. It's all fun, laughs and good ole times. But then it fizzles... What happens? Where does that excitement go. Next thing you know there comes the arguing, fight and mistrust. The staying out late, not coming home and no phone calls. Why must it be like that? How do you get that infatuation back? I was thinking about this. I think the friendship is lost along the way. When you lose the friendship is where you lose the fun. I actually think that falling in love is the worst emotion there is next to anger. Those are the two emotion that you actually don't think straight. I think I would rather love someone than fall in love. I have been trying to do a lot of research to figure out how to get that spark back. Get those butterflies fluttering again. What I found out on a woman's side is to actually back off and give a man space. But that is so hard for most women. Once the hooks are in they are scared if the release they will lose. That is the worst fear to have. If a woman can get over that fear of losing her man it actually might make a change for the best. I think for a man he just have to continue to give his lady the same attention as he did from the beginning. We he falls back that when a woman starts to feel insecure. But keep the friendship going in the relationship. Just think, when it was a friendship and not a relationship did you actually trip about what the other person was doing? No you went on with your everyday. You was happy to see the person but there was no concerns. So let's take these relationships back to square one and get the butterflies back and the excitement back...


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