One Rule A Man Can Follow...

Okay men, this is towards you. This is one rule that I know if you follow will stop a lot of drama in your relationship with women. This is something that I know you have heard at least once in your relationship. This rule is a very easy yet simple rule that you can follow. This rule is... (Drum roll)... Pick Up The Phone and Call Your Mate!!! That's it. That's all you have to do. Most of the time a woman will feel secure and happy once they hear from their man. We start to become insecure when a man acts strange. Guilt prevents some men from calling their mates. Up to no good and scared to call. If you just pick up the phone and say, "Hey babe, you ok I'm cool what are you doing ok me neither be home in a few." What ever. But a lot of arguments will not exist if all you did was call your girl. lol That simple. Also only answer questions that are asked. Once you start adding all the extra information your ass looks guilty. What do you have to prove if you did nothing wrong? So just make that phone call and stop being a bunch of punks. And if you are not feeling your girl then leave her the hell alone. Move on and quit the games. :) I think that's simple enough to follow. lol


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