Moving In Together...

The biggest mistake I think a couple can ever make. I don't even want to live with my husband if I get married again. lol Something seems to happen to a relationship when there is cohabitation. Things seem to be happy and fun when you don't live together. You are so excited to see the person and looking forward to over night visits. Then you think, wow things are so great, why don't we move in together. We spend so much time together it just feels right. Well that feeling of right is a wrong feeling. You lose time with your partner. All the laughter seems to disappear. You are leaving when they come in. The real TIME that used to be spent is now gone. It seems that people think just because they are under the same roof at the same time that is spending time. The going out ends. The really enjoying each other time doesn't exist any more. Then you start to get on each others nerves and then dislike starts to set in. How do you keep the fun the joy the excitement in the relationship once you decided to move in with each other. How do you enjoy your partner and not just deal? How do you take things back to stage one? How do you keep that spark? These are things I have asked myself when dealing with those types of situations. No one wants to lose the love. It's like a disaster waiting to happen. Here is where cheating starts to come into play. How do you avoid that? They say (who ever they are) that date nights are good. Sometimes you have to get out the house together and try to do things that you used to do. Also spend time alone that way you can miss the other person. It's also not good if your stuck together in one room all the time. That don't work. I am not really against living with someone. I am just against the down fall of the relationship. Been there done that. It is a very scary experience and a hurtful one. I am all about love as you can see and I just want to learn to run things smoothly and keep my partner happy on ALL levels. If you have any input please share.


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