Three Lies Women Tell

I seen this on the internet and it can be so true so I decided to post it...

Ladies are you guilty of telling any of these lies...

1. "I haven't had sex in a while, but not by choice."
Women have the luxury of having sex whenever they want because there are very few men that will actually turn down a physical encounter. In the rare case that a woman does come across a guy who says "no," there's probably a string of others behind him that will say yes. In fact, any man that hears this lie would probably sleep with that woman right then and there. So if a woman has gone a extended period of time without sex she has done so completely by choice.

2. "I'm looking for a good man."
Then why do you keep dating losers? Women say they want a certain type of man but oftentimes end up dealing with guys that are the complete opposite, while the supposed "good" guys are left by the wayside. Clearly, women don't know what they want or what's good for them. Where do you think the phrase, "nice guys finish last" came from?

3. "I don't know why I'm single."Yes, you do. Maybe you're too needy, too clingy, too emotional or too crazy. Whatever the case may be, your long line of exes (or even your friends) have probably told you what the problem is. You just choose not to listen and, worse yet, do anything about it.


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