Social Media and BS...

This goes for both male and females but I really can only speak to my ladies because I am not a man. lol But I know that women feed men just as much bullshit on the sites that men do. But I still can only speak for the women. Or actually too the women...
Now why is it women on social networks believe all the BS that men say to them over the internet? Cant you see thru the lies. lol OMG it is so bad. Are women so desperate for a mans attention that they will actually believe tha what a man says on a social site is true. They feed you all these wack lines like they mean it. If they telling you they love you or they dont think of anyone but you, do you not realized how many other people they say that to and probably are typing it to someone else at the same time. Are women that dense. Come on ladies get it together. It is no difference over the phone. I am not saying its not ok to flirt but if that man isn't making real time to see you or spend time with you and it is all over the phone and internet than it is BS! Real talk. I get guys sending me all types of letters and comment. I read and laugh. It's funny to me. I reply with really, ok, for real, stop playing, who me, why and the famous "lol :)" SMH if you are a guy that flirts with me and thats all you get from me than you know the deal. Then I give the smart ass reposes and they get angry or say I am crazy. Its rare that I actually flirt with anyone. Or go deep into me. Most just get the shallow side. But i notice women falling for the okie doke. Its sad. Also females, if you are with someone else dont down play them for some man online to make yourself look more available. It's not good. That dont make them want you more. I feel sad for these women. I see thru the nonsense lol . Ok I have to take up for the guys. I think yall believe it more but I dont think the guys really care. As long as there is some action from it. lol But this is only the guys that give the BS but to the ones that dont yall shouldnt fall for the okie doke either. I wish humans would grow up and realize this life is too short for the games and BS and that eventually some one gets hurt, snaps or worst. Get it together...


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