Faking It...

So on my radio show the other day, my co host Big Mike and I had a discussion on faking it during sex. Pretending like you are satisfied but you are really not. What is your take on that? I personally think that nobody should ever fake it. How do you get pleasure from the whole experience if you let your partner think that they have satisfied you. I understand stroking an ego but for real? Then I said to Mike that I don't think that men can fake it. I told him I think that me are easy. They get stiff fast and release just as fast. A woman should know if a man fakes it or not. I also believe that a man should know if a woman fakes it. You should know the way her body moves when she is at her climax. It's not just about the moaning its more to it. So who has faked it? Not me. lol


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