Tale Tail Signs It's Over...

Ok, mostly everything I write about is from experience. As I have grown and been through relationships I started to notice tail tail signs when a relationship is coming to an end. So here goes... Every conversation turns into an argument. No matter what you are talking about it always turns into an argument. If you want to know if your man is interested in someone just listen to who they talk about. They will always talk about one particular female that is such a good friend or is so smart or so cool. That's who they want to bang. TRUTH. As soon as a guy starts talking to me about another female I automatically know they are interested. They spend less time with you and say they spend a lot of time with you. When did sleeping in the same bed become spending time. lol They stop calling you. A whole day will go by and you won't hear from them. Remember way back when, when they would call you just because. Now it's only if they need something and that something is not you. Or they only have time for you to screw you. It's over. No use trying to fight the inevitable, the end is here. You are no longer in their future plans. There is no light at the end of this tunnel. The tunnel has actually collapsed on you. Plus you went in that damn tunnel without a shovel. So there are some signs. If you can think of more feel free to add them...


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