The Heart vs The Mind

Today I had a conversation with a good friend. She did something that she wasn't happy about. The whole time her mind was telling her not to do it. But she was following her heart. I am tell everyone right now, DO NOT FOLLOW YOUR HEART!!! The heart will get you in so much trouble. Think with you mind, that's what it is there for. Have you ever been in that situation where you knew you shouldn't deal with a person but you heart was so in love. Your mind knew what it was talking about lol . It did!! It said this is not the person for you or you should not have sex with this person, but Noooo you didn't listen to you mind you followed your heart and now you are hurt or upset. So this is a short blog and a lesson for today. Don't follow your heart listen to the mind because it will lead you down the right path every time.


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