
Insecurity is one of the biggest problems in a relationship. But how do you avoid this problem? No matter how strong the individual they all at one point they fall victim to insecurity. Where does it start? With some people they actually bring it into a new relationship as baggage and with other they develop in their current relationship. Their partner does one thing that makes a person lose trust then the insecurity builds or a partner starts acting funny and out of the norm and a person loses faith. Is there a cure for insecurity. Some insecurities are about the individuals self worth and some just base it on their partner. The worst are the people that are insecure within themselves. If they dont feel worthy of their partners love then they feel insecure. They have to have self love first in order to not take their insecurities out on their partner. Some people are very secure within themselves but just lost their faith because the partner lied or cheated. But all is still a relationship killer. At the end of the day if you dont trust the person that you are with then there is no relationship and love is lost. How can you grow form that? You cant. But I myself dont even know how to reverse the cycle. Because once I lose trust it is hard for me to regain that and me as a woman dealing with men, most mean dont try to regain their partners trust if they screwed up. They dont know how to admit when they are wrong. I know if I am wrong I admit to it but I a rarely wrong lol Ok I admit I have my moments lol I had some insecurities in partners but not in self. I am too good for that. lol Ok so anyway how do we fix insecurities in relationships?


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