Open Marriage... Yes or No?

Open marriages should not exist. That simple. What more can I say. Do I have to elaborate? Of course I do. I am so against open marriages and open relationships. I think once you tell your partner you are all for them then that's how it should be. I know relationships can get rather boring, but you have to keep them spicy. In and out of the bed room. But if you open your relationship up it is a recipe for disaster. That's like couples having three somes. Someone is bound to get jealous. Feel like less effort it put on them and more with the other person. An open marriage dont solve problems, it creates more. Marriage is meant to be a pure unity between TWO people. If you still want to play the field just dont settle. You might as well not get married. Don't make the lame ass excuses saying, "Oh we have an open marriage." That's BS because trust one of yall is enjoying it more than the other....


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